ADHD Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined in the DSM-5.

This disorder accompanies the person throughout his/her life;  affects the attendance in a social, educational, subversive environment; and has implications for the person’s quality of life and health.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is characterized by impaired executive functions.
Executive functions include high cognitive skills such as response delay, mental flexibility, planning, control, problem solving, working memory, and emotional regulation.
Deficiencies in executive functions are manifested in  a variety of aspects of daily life and directly affect the daily functioning of various occupations and environments.
Occupational therapists have research-based tools designed to address these difficulties to enable each person to participate maximally in occupations meaningful for them..
Occupational therapists perform a comprehensive assessment to understand the strengths alongside the challenges and treat people with ADHD throughout their lives.

The first stage of the assessment will be to help you focus on your challenges and map them out.  As early childhood symptoms are shown and relate to developmental stages, we will ask questions about them.
Attention deficit disorder also has genetic components and in many cases is treated by providing tools for the whole family. Therefore, questions in the evaluation relate to family history and routines.

In addition to the questioning, the performance of various tasks will be observed. After we collect the information, we can start a sharing journey by placing a meter and selecting the appropriate tools and strategies for intervention.

Furthermore, occupational therapists assess and treat comorbid conditions that are associated with attention deficit disorder, such as dyslexia, developmental coordination disorders, and learning disabilities.

What do we have in the lab to offer?

During the evaluation and intervention process, we use tools developed and researched in the laboratory.
To identify the unique characteristics of people with ADHD and help them reach their goals, we use two kinds of questionnaires: one for self-report and one for family members/educators.
In case you are the parent or family member, we will ask you similar questions to get a snapshot and understand where you can intervene and improve the participation of the person with ADHD.



Specific intervention approaches for people dealing with ADHD

POET - Parental Occupational Executive Training
The POET Approach focuses on helping parents understand what executive functions are, how they affect the functioning of children with ADHD symptoms, and what they can do to help their children be more successful in their day-to-day functioning.