Work-MAP: Metacognitive Self-Tailored Telehealth Intervention for Adults with ADHD Performance at Work Enhancement

Work-MAP: Metacognitive Self-Tailored Telehealth Intervention for Adults with ADHD Performance at Work Enhancement

The intervention was developed by Dr. Nufar Grinblat as part of her doctoral study conducted at the University of Haifa, supervised by Prof. Sara Rosenblum.

  • An intervention focused on improving work performance
  • Short-term intervention: includes 12 individual sessions (once a week)
  • Hybrid online intervention: three face-to-face plus eight online (Zoom) sessions
  • A research-based intervention with a structured and uniform protocol

The intervention is intended for adults with ADHD who wish to improve their performance at work.

  1. Through a collaborative analysis, identify executive functions deficits and other challenges that underlie the individual’s work performance difficulties.
  2. Raise the individual’s self-awareness of their personal, work, and environment characteristics that affect their work performance as a first step towards change.
  3. Promote self-creating personalized strategies to improve the performance of work actions significant to the individual.

The goals are determined by the individual, who is asked to refer to activities they are required to perform as part of their work and would like to improve or activities that affect their performance at work.

Examples include meeting deadlines; creating, managing, and successfully following a daily/weekly schedule; arriving to work/meetings on time; working continuously until the task is completed (while dealing with distractions).

“Last weekend, I got a raise.”

“Before the intervention, most of the time I was frustrated, stressed, and constantly blaming myself. Today, it rarely happens. Even when it happens, I actively work with the strategies I learned so that it passes as quickly as possible.”

“Now I have a sense of control and feel a significant improvement in the way I function and in my productivity level.”

“I think about difficulties in the context of solutions and adjustments, so it is easier for me to overcome obstacles.”

Occupational therapists who have undergone a training program. To download the list, click here.

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