Below are the intervention/treatment methods developed in the laboratory, implemented by trained occupational therapists.
Click on an intervention to learn more.
Young Children
Parental Occupational Executive Training (POET)
Developed by Dr. Carmit Frisch during her doctoral research, under the supervision of Prof. Sara Rosenblum and Prof. Emmanuel Tirosh from the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion.
Functional Individualized Therapy for Teenagers with Executive Deficits (FITTED)
Developed, implemented, and studied as part of Dr. Yael Fogel’s doctoral research, under the supervision of Prof. Naomi Josman and Prof. Sara Rosenblum.
Work-MAP: Metacognitive Self-Tailored Telehealth Intervention for Adults with ADHD Performance at Work Enhancement
The intervention was developed by Dr. Nufar Grinblat as part of her doctoral study conducted at the University of Haifa, supervised by Prof. Sara Rosenblum.