Hadar Gross
Hadar Gross Phd student I am Developing a model for positive characterization and assessment of abilities of children with ADHD and their parents, based on the parent's perception of his…
Hadar Gross Phd student I am Developing a model for positive characterization and assessment of abilities of children with ADHD and their parents, based on the parent's perception of his…
Nufar Grinblat Nufar Grinblat, MSc, OT is a doctoral student. Grinblat’s research includes development and effectiveness evaluation of a self-tailored, metacognitive, telehealth intervention to enhance the performance at work of…
Ortal Cohen Elimelech Ortal is an occupational therapistand Ph.D. student. Her master's degree was also earned at the University of Haifa under Prof. Rosenblum's supervision. As part of the doctoral…
Dr Carmit Frisch During my PhD studiesI developed the POET approach (Parental Occupational Executive Training; Frisch, Tirosh & Rosenblum, 2016). The POET’s purpose is to provide timely intervention for young…