Hadar Gross
Hadar Gross Phd student I am Developing a model for positive characterization and assessment of abilities of children with ADHD and their parents, based on the parent's perception of his…
Hadar Gross Phd student I am Developing a model for positive characterization and assessment of abilities of children with ADHD and their parents, based on the parent's perception of his…
Nufar Grinblat Nufar Grinblat, MSc, OT is a doctoral student. Grinblat’s research includes development and effectiveness evaluation of a self-tailored, metacognitive, telehealth intervention to enhance the performance at work of…
A self-report questionnaire to examine functional self-actualization.
Learning disabilities among adults: An application of the ICF model as a key for the understanding of individual needs
Which characteristics predict writing capabilities among adolescents with dysgraphia?