The Daily Functional Self-Actualization Questionnaire

Rosenblum, 2021

A self-report questionnaire to examine functional self-actualization. There are two versions of the questionnaire, one is intended to be filled in by the individual regarding their adulthood (present) period, and the other is intended to be filled in regarding their childhood period. 

  1. Rosenblum, S., & Elimelech, O. C. (2021). Gender Differences in State Anxiety Related to Daily Function Among Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Questionnaire Study. JMIR aging4(2), e25876. 
  2. Rosenblum, S., & Cohen Elimelech, O. (2024). Daily Functional Characteristics and Health Among Older Adults During COVID-19: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 61, 00469580241233430.