Computerized Penmanship Evaluation Tool, ComPET
Rosenblum, Parush & Weiss, 2003
A suite of online computerized handwriting evaluation tools including a laptop computer, data collection and analysis
software, and an electronic tablet (digitizer).
ComPET publications
Rosenblum S, Parush S, Weiss PL. (2003). Computerized temporal handwriting characteristics of proficient and poor hand writers. Am J Occup Ther, 57(2),129–38.
Rosenblum, S. (2012). A Computerised Multidimensional Measurement of Mental Workload via Handwriting. Behaviour Research Methods, 44, 575-586.
Rosenblum, S., & Luria, G. (2015). Applying a Handwriting Measurement Model for Capturing Cognitive Load Implications Through Complex Figure Drawing. Cognitive Computation, 1-9.
Fogel, Y., Josman, N., & Rosenblum, S. (2019). Functional abilities as reflected through temporal handwriting measures among adolescents with neuro-developmental disabilities. Pattern Recognition Letters, 121, 13-18.
Rosenblum, S., Meyer, S., Richardson, A., & Hassin Baer, S. (2022). Patients self-report and handwriting performance features as indicators for suspected Mild cognitive Impairment (MCI) in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Sensors, 22, 569.