Celiac Disease Children's Activities Chart , CD-Chart

Meyer &Rosenblum, 2017

A self-report questionnaire on participation in food-related leisure activities, focusing on self-perception of various participation characteristics. 

Selected publications

  1. Meyer, S., & Rosenblum, S. (2017). Development and Validation of the Celiac Disease-Children’s Activities Report (CD-Chart) for Promoting Self-Management among Children and Adolescents. Nutrients9(10), 1130.

  2. Meyer, S., & Rosenblum, S. (2018). Daily experiences and challenges among children and adolescents with celiac disease: focus group results. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 66(1), 58-63.

  3. Meyer, S., & Rosenblum, S. (2021). Examining core self-management skills among adolescents with celiac disease. Journal of Health Psychology, 26(13), 2592-2602. adolescents with celiac disease: Proof-of-concept study. Nutrients, 13(5), 1401. 

  4. Meyer, S., & Naveh, G. (2021). Mobile application for promoting gluten-free diet self-management in  adolescents with celiac disease: Proof-of-concept study. Nutrients, 13(5), 1401. 

  5. Meyer, S., & Lamash, L. (2021). Illness identity in adolescents with celiac disease. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 72(2), e42-e47. 

  6. Meyer, S. (2022). Promoting Effective Self-Management of the Gluten-Free Diet: Children’s and Adolescents’ Self-Generated Do’s and Don’ts. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(21), 14051.

  7. Meyer, S., Monachesi, C., Barchetti, M., Lionetti, E., & Catassi, C. (2023). Cross-Cultural Participation in Food-Related Activities and Quality of Life among Children with Celiac Disease. Children, 10(8), 1300.